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Biking Fun in Florida

The Fred Marquis Pinellas Trail currently extends from St. Petersburg to Tarpon Springs and was created along a portion of abandoned railroad corridor.

The Trail is a protected greenspace for walking, jogging, skating, and biking and the main reason we are spending the winter in this area of Florida.

We are currently in Dunedin which is the most charming small town and full of non-stop things to do, things to see, and places to eat or drink.

We recently completed two separate 20+ mile bike trips with new friends we met at our RV Park. We are all over sixty, so our bike trips are full of stopping to check out wildlife, visit various parks, or water breaks – we are not on a timeline!

We visited the Tarpon Tavern where the food is delicious and the service is great. We prefer outdoor dining these days and they have plenty of accommodations. You can even watch other bikers zoom by as you enjoy your meal and favorite beverage.

If you enjoy biking, we cannot encourage you enough to visit the area and ride this trail or parts of it (as we do).


Two 60+ yr olds decided to start RV'ing and begin a new adventure. It's the two of us and our Shihtzu, Piper. Our motto, "We are ReFiring, not ReTiring".

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